Friday, August 31, 2012

An evil, insidious plot against innocent children!!

Neighborhood bully plots to steal the kid's lunches and milk money

Cat artist in her studio in California

YouTube Channel: Farrell Hamann

@farrellhamann on twitter

Come visit the Elite Billionaires Club of Northern California (Sacramento, CA
Call first!

Please support your local food bank. People are hungry!

Creme de Pirouline
with chocolate and hazelnut
Reliquary: Contains the ass of Saint Finster the 4th 

 My Koala (not a bear) Don't pick them up, it freaks them out!

Precious the cat on her interstellar spaceship 

Olive branch in Sacramento, California. (Growing in parking lot) 

This cake and ice cream is real food in the same sense that the lime green softball is an authentic Babe Ruth home run ball.  The cake is laced with GMO's and bad oils and the ice cream has hormones that don't belong there. Both for Safeway in CA.  Stop Monsanto

Farrell Hamann Fine Art/Frog

Dave & Kate: Most charming love video of all time

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Art Studio in Sacramento, California
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